
Root canal treatment

We offer you the right solution

Whether you need treatment for discomfort, infections, or damage to your dental nerve

When do you know that you need root canal treatment/canal filling?

When you feel toothache and feel sensitivity in your teeth when eating or drinking something cold, hot, or acidic, for example, and sometimes the cause of this pain is the nerve being exposed to decay and not an external problem. In such cases, we resort to what is known as root canal treatment, which includes three steps:

The decayed area or the problem area is removed and the decay is ensured

Thorough cleaning of the canals and filling area from bacteria and tooth debris. If the decay is close to the nerve, a substance is added to protect the nerve.

The root canals are sealed and filled with filling to prevent the growth of bacteria or any other materials, and the tooth is trimmed.

Why is our center the best choice?

Success and excellence often depend on certain principles and guidelines. Smile Design Centers by Dr. Ahmed Ezz Edin adhere to the following important principles

Advanced global technologies

Utilizing the latest internationally recognized technologies, such as 3D Injection Root Canal Filling, which ensures proper closure of the main and accessory root canals, eliminating any bacterial presence. This allows us to achieve high success rates on even the most difficult cases in a single session, without compromising on quality.

Comfortable experience

We care about patients’ comfort during all stages of treatment. We provide a comfortable and friendly environment that reduces stress and anxiety during sessions.

Expert staff

We have a team of highly experienced dentists in the field of endodontics. Our doctors have the in-depth knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose and treat root problems accurately and effectively.

Accurate diagnosis

We accurately diagnose your condition through advanced examinations and radiography. This helps in identifying the main causes of the root problem and developing a customized treatment plan.

Frequently asked questions about root canal treatment

  • What are the symptoms of neuritis?
  • How many sessions of nerve filling?
  • What problems can lead to failure of root canal treatment, and how can they be solved?
  • Which is better, nerve filling or tooth extraction?
  • What happens if a root canal is not performed?
  • How long does a tooth live after the nerve is removed?
What are the symptoms of neuritis?

Symptoms of neuritis appear clearly through:

Severe tooth or molar pain, especially with exposure to extreme heat or cold.
Facial swelling.
Feeling of heat in the gum tissue.

How many sessions of nerve filling?

The difference in the number of dental treatment sessions using root canal fillings is due to several factors, but it does not exceed two sessions in most cases, and this is due to:

Type of tooth: The back teeth may need more sessions than the front teeth.
The number of roots, and the number of nerve canals within each root.
The condition of the tooth: Was it recently injured and the pulp is still alive, or was the injury a long time ago during which the pulp decayed, and did this decay cause the invasion of the tissues surrounding the tooth, forming an abscess in the tooth?
The condition of the tooth: is it externally healthy, or is it severely damaged, and requires other procedures to isolate and modify the surrounding gums before starting root canal treatment?

What problems can lead to failure of root canal treatment, and how can they be solved?

The success rate of root canal treatment usually does not exceed 85% due to the difficulty of accessing narrow root canals. Another challenge is to effectively fill these canals with sealant to ensure complete root closure. However, with technological advancements, different techniques and devices have been developed to perform root canal treatment with unprecedented success rates, and this is exactly what we follow at Dr. Ahmed Ezz El Din Dental Centers.

Which is better, nerve filling or tooth extraction?

Root canal treatment or root canal treatment has a higher success rate than tooth extraction, as there are few or no complications in the future. The priority also goes to preserving natural teeth. Whereas, if the roots are treated properly by a doctor who is an expert in cleaning and restoring the affected tooth, there will be no need to extract the tooth

What happens if a root canal is not performed?

Failure to undergo a root canal filling can cause serious consequences, such as causing the spread of bacterial infections in the jaw, gum tissue, brain, blood, and the rest of the body’s organs.

How long does a tooth live after the nerve is removed?

This period varies from one person to another, but the average period is 10-15 years, and this period of time also varies depending on the location of the tooth in the mouth.

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